Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Today's Outfit - Black, White, and Red

Hey all,

     First off I'd like to thank everyone who has read my blog so far, it's encouraging to know that it's out there.  Just 24 hits so far, but it hasn't yet been a day so far.  I decided to dress up a bit for school today, and it definitely was an attention grabber among a sea of athletic shorts and Hollister shirts.

     Here's the quick picture I snapped before rushing off to school, and I apologize for the horrible phone-camera quality!  

     As evident from the picture my mirror needs cleaning... My bad... And the lighting makes it appear as if I have an earring on my left ear.  That light spot must either be the bad quality camera or the mirror.  But you can see the basic idea from the picture.  Black blazer with sleeves rolled up, black bow-tie, plain white button-up, and some red slim chinos.  The red pants stood out and drew attention, which was what I wanted, and the blazer dressed the look up majorly.  

     As you can see, I'm an amateur at this, but I want to get better.  I would highly appreciate any comments and constructive criticism concerning this style and outfit from those more experienced in fashion.

I will try to get a better quality photo next time, and thanks for reading!


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